My Favorites

A passion for cross-country skiing

Élyane Côté, a lover of her native region, she can talk about Rivière-du-Loup's wonders for hours.
The first time I took my daughter cross-country skiing, she was 4 years old. I told myself that we certainly wouldn’t go very fast and that after 15 minutes, knowing her level of patience, we’d be off again.
We went to the St-Ludger cross-country ski club in Rivière-du-Loup, where they lend out equipment (boots, skis and poles) free of charge. I was surprised to find that the equipment was brand new and that I was the one who looked pitiful with my vintage skis.
Once the boots were on and the skis strapped on, I explained to my daughter a few basic rules to get her going. And off she went! In less than 2 minutes, she was going at full speed, waving cheerfully to the experienced skiers we met.
As we reached the top of a slope, I barely had time to tell her to bend her knees before she was off. Once at the bottom, she slowed down. I immediately thought she’d just got scared, so I accelerated to catch up with her. She turned to me and exclaimed, “This is the happiest day of my life! I burst out laughing at such exaggeration, but her smile warmed my heart and I was happy to have finally found a sport that we could both practice together.

Today, my daughter is a teenager. Every winter, we take to the local cross-country ski trails. She no longer talks about the happiest day of her life (obviously, that’s not cool), but we still have this tradition that unites us.
Here are the best places in the Rivière-du-Loup region to go cross-country skiing (or snowshoeing), with or without children.
Paid places
8 Paul-Étienne Grandbois Street | 418 867-6600
8 km marked trail
Level: Family to intermediate
Club La Foulée
28 Route de la Station | 418 350-3652
35 km of marked trails
Level: Family to expert
Free equipment rental.
Club Amiski
746 Chemin Lavoie | 418 868-2647
24 km of marked trails
Level: Family to intermediate
Equipment rental
Overnight shelter available
Free places
Chalet des sports
200 Côte de la Mer | 418 605-9252
11 km marked trail.
Level: Family to intermediate.
Children’s equipment (6-12 years) free.
Adult equipment available.
110 Collin Street
Departure from Louis Santerre complex
5 km marked trail. Level: Family
36 Taché Ouest Street
Access behind Pièces d’autos M. Michaud
418 497-3394 #321
3 and 5 km marked trails
Level: Family
Access by voluntary contribution

Amiski Club de ski de fond & raquette
746 Chemin Lavoie,
Québec G0L 2J0
T. 4188682647
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